S4Art &Design
S4 Gallery - National 4/5
NATIONAL 5 EXAM WEDNESDAY 30th MAY 13:00 - 14:10
If you are intending to take the subject further,
you will need your folio returned from the SQA after it has been assessed.
The cost to have your folio returned is £5 please see your teacher ASAP.
The Nat 5 prelim exam is 18 Jan 2017.
The FULL exam covers both Expressive and Design written course work and lasts 1 hour 10 mins.
You must study the two Expressive artists and their paintings upon which which you recently completed an essay. These artists were : Vincent Van Gogh/ Frank Colclough/ Samuel Peploe and Susan Abbott. Study YOUR 2 artists and your essay notes in preparation for the exam.
You must also study the two Designers and their designs on which you completed an essay last session.
These designers were : Alphonse Mucha and Johanna Basford.
Study YOUR 2 designers and your essay notes in preparation for the exam.
The exam lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes. Make sure that you read ALL questions with care and give an answer relating to the question being asked.
Spend 30 minutes on the 2 Expressive questions, and 30 mins on the Design questions. You will have 5 mins reading time at start, and 5 minutes checking time at the end of the exam!
Make sure you answer the Still life and Graphic design questions!!!
You must study Specimen Exam Paper and the study guide above, to see the format of the paper and the type of questions you will be asked. In class you will do some practice exam questions/ and knowledge test/ ahead of the Prelim/or main SQA exam.
N5 Folios- SQA return of folios end of NOVEMBER 2017.
You can pay to have your folio returned [£5] Collection of money will be in the department during the next 3 weeks. Make sure you pay to get your folio returned as you may need it for further study/presentation.
You can pay to have your folio returned [£5] Collection of money will be in the department during the next 3 weeks. Make sure you pay to get your folio returned as you may need it for further study/presentation.
Prelim for N5 pupils : 18 JANUARY 2017
N5 - (exam venue will be on your exam timetable)
Remember to read all your notes and essay materials for the SQA Exam.
Use the S4- N5 Pages on this website to look at SQA N5 Exemplar papers and sample questions. Candidates should carefully ready the instructions and the questions in exam and answer the KEY points which are asked for in the answers.
N5 - All questions are worth 10 marks.
N5 - (exam venue will be on your exam timetable)
Remember to read all your notes and essay materials for the SQA Exam.
Use the S4- N5 Pages on this website to look at SQA N5 Exemplar papers and sample questions. Candidates should carefully ready the instructions and the questions in exam and answer the KEY points which are asked for in the answers.
N5 - All questions are worth 10 marks.
Below you can view and download the Course Assessment Advice for National 5
National 4/5 in a Nutshell - information for Pupils and Parents
The Nat 5 exam is 1 hour 10mins long and 4 questions must be answered in this time.