Instrumental Music- SaxophoneThis Instrument belongs to the woodwind family. It uses a single reed which is attached to a plastic mouthpiece. This is placed between the lips, and the air travels between the reed and plastic mouthpiece, and into the instrument. The Saxphone can be heard in Orchestras, Big bands, Jazz groups, Wind Bands and pop groups.
Here is an example. |
Instrumental Music- TrumpetThis instrument belows to the brass family. Air vibrates through a players lips, into a mouthpiece which is connected to the instrument. The trumpet is the smallest and highest instrument in the brass family.
Here is an example. |
Instrumental Music- TromboneThis instrument belongs to the brass family. Air vibrates through a players lips into a mouthpiece which is connected to the instrument. Trombones are very good at doing a glissando. It is the only brass instrument that has a slide instead of valves.
Here is an example. |
Instrumental Music- TambourineThis instrument belongs to the percussion family. It has a wooden or plastic frame, pairs of metal jingles attached, and is mostly played by the hand striking or shaking the instrument. It is untuned as it cannot play a range of notes.
Here is an example. Check out the moves on this Tambourine player!!!
Instrumental Music- TriangleThis instrument belongs to the percussion family. A piece of metal in the shape of a triangle, open at one corner, and struck with a metal beater. It is an untuned percussion instruments as it cannot play a range of notes.
Music StylesRagtime
A style of dance music which became popular at the end of the 19th century and which helped to influence jazz. It features a strongly syncopated melody (meaning the notes don’t always fall on the beat) against a steady, simple accompaniment played as a vamp. Here is an example Vocal Music- Backing VocalsBacking Vocals
Singers who support the lead singer(s), usually by singing in harmony in the background. |
Music StylesSwing
A jazz style which started in the 1930s and was performed by a big band. The numbers and types of instruments in the big bands increased during this period, through the influence of swing. Glenn Miller was one of the leading figures in swing music. Here is an example
Nonsense words, syllables and sounds are improvised (made up) by the singer. Sometimes the singer is imitating the sounds of instruments. Used mainly in jazz singing.
Tempo |
Strongly accented notes playing off or against the beat. Syncopation occurs in all kinds of music. In the first example (see notation), the notes are played at the same time as each beat. |
Dynamics |
NotesDotted Rhythm
A long note followed by a shorter one or a short note followed by a longer one, as in a Scotch snap. Often used in a Strathspey. |