National 4/5 - Expressive Course
Link to National 4/5 Design Course
Return of Art and Design Nat 5 folios:
All Candidates who want the return of folios
approx £5- all money and forms for request of work will be sent during study leave. Pupils should expect to collect their folios in November that year.
Information will be announced on the S4 homepage nearer the time of return.
The Nat 5 exam is 1 hour 10mins long and 4 questions must be answered.
*** Parents may wish to know that Hodder-Gibson have published a book called
"How to pass National 5 Art & Design" at £10.99 (ISBN:9781444187328)
as part of a series of study books for various SQA subjects. Practical work guides, exemplar questions/ art vocabulary usage/ etc can be found in this book, and it may be a good guide for preparation and study at Nat 5 in this subject.
This book is available for online purchase ***
National 4/5 in a Nutshell - information for Pupils and Parents (see below)6
Below you can find Resources/Success Criteria for the National 4/5 Expressive Unit, and all the information you will need to help you with this project.
If you are absent from school, you can check this web page to see what you should be doing/or contact your teacher by clicking on STAFF page, for any advice or help you require.
Pupils should note that Assessment deadlines must be met on time, to pass in each unit.
National 4/5 - Still Life Expressive Project
The National 4/5 Expressive Project is based around Still Life.
During this unit you will produce your own Still Life Drawing or Painting, and learn a variety of drawing and painting techniques.
You will also study the Still Life work of TWO well known artists during this project. You will be given a choice of two of the following artists :
Vincent Van Gogh, Samuel Peploe, Frank Colclough, and Susan Abbott.
These artists are from different time periods, and paint using different styles
and media.
Below is the Checklist of tasks for the Still Life Expressive Project.

still_life_checklist_of_tasks.pdf |
Exemplar Research Material : Vincent Van Gogh
Annotated notes and Artist paintings, and your own drawings and paintings of your still life group
make up this sheet (see examples below)
Exemplar Development Material : Vincent Van Gogh
Annotated notes, drawings and your own Development drawings and paintings of your still life group. Two different Still life routes should be shown, using some of the same objects, and some that are included in one route only. (see examples below)
Exemplar Research Material : Frank Colclough
Annotated notes and Artist paintings, and your own drawings and paintings of your still life group make up this sheet (see examples below)
Exemplar Development Material : Frank Colclough
Annotated notes, drawings and your own Development drawings and paintings of your still life group. Two different Still life routes should be shown, using some of the same objects, and some that are included in one route only. (see examples below)
Exemplar Research Material : Susan Abbott
Annotated notes and Artist paintings, and your own drawings and water-colour paintings of your still life group make up this sheet (see examples below)
Exemplar Research Material : Samuel Peploe
Annotated notes and Artist paintings, and your own drawings and paintings of your still life group make up this sheet (see examples below)
Exemplar Development Material : Samuel Peploe
Annotated notes, drawings and your own Development drawings and paintings of your still life group. Two different Still life routes should be shown, using some of the same objects, and some that are included in one route only.
(see examples below)
Vincent Van Gogh (Post Impressionist - Historical Still Life Artist)
Vincent Van Gogh Powerpoint download below:![]()
Samuel John Peploe (Scottish Colourist - Historical Still Life Artist)
Samuel John Peploe Powerpoint download below:![]()
Susan Abbott (Contemporary Still Life Artist)
Frank Colclough (Contemporary Still Life Artist)
Frank Colclough Powerpoint download below:![]()
National 4/5
Below you can find some drawing and painting technique Demonstration films, to help with your Still Life project: |
Look at the YouTube Films , which demonstrate drawing and painting techniques used in this Still Life painting unit.