S3 Expressive Portrait Project
For Pupils and Parents:
S3 Expressive Deadlines for Session 2016-17 can be found on the right. Pupils should note that Assessment deadlines must be met on time, to pass in each unit. *The Expressive Unit and Expressive Portrait essay should be completed by Wednesday FEB 2017 ahead of the Timetable change-over* |
Click on the file below to download the S3 Expressive Deadlines for 2016-17 |
S3 Expressive Portrait Project
portrait_checklist_of_tasks.pdf |
Sections of Paintings by Featured Artists - showing their painting technique
Pablo Picasso Portraits
Roy Lichtenstein Portraits
Exemplar: Expressive Portrait Unit
Below you can see the type of art work which you will be doing during the Portrait unit in S3.
You will use a variety of MEDIA and TECHNIQUES to produce your art work.
You will gather Portrait pictures by your chosen artist.
You will also work in the STYLE and TECHNIQUES of your chosen artist.
Vincent Van Gogh's work as inspiration for Portrait
Van Gogh portrait research visuals are annotated to explain why you have chosen these images for your project
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work
on Vincent Van Gogh:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work with annotated notes on Vincent Van Gogh:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work
on Vincent Van Gogh:
Some S3 Pupils Portrait Final Outcome -
inspiration: Vincent Van Gogh (complete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Vincent Van Gogh (complete):
Roy Lichtenstein's work as inspiration for Portrait
Lichtenstein portrait research visuals are annotated to explain why you have chosen these images for your project
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work on Lichtenstein:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Lichtenstein (incomplete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Lichtenstein (complete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work on Lichtenstein:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work on
Alison Watt:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Alison Watt (incomplete):
Eye Photo references for Homework
Hand Photo references for Homework/Classwork
Vincent Van Gogh Portraits
Alison Watt Portraits
Roy Lichtenstein - Click on this weblink
to make your own PopArt image
Click on this link to try making an Action Comic Strip!
Final Portrait in the style/technique of Vincent Van Gogh
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work
with annotated notes:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Vincent Van Gogh (complete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Vincent Van Gogh (complete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Vincent Van Gogh (complete):
Final Portrait in the style/technique of Roy Lichtenstein
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work on Lichtenstein:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work on Lichtenstein:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work on Lichtenstein, with annotations:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Lichtenstein (incomplete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work on Lichtenstein, with annotations:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Final Outcome
inspiration: Lichtenstein (complete):
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work on Alison Watt, with annotations:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Research work
on Alison Watt:
One S3 Pupil's Portrait Development work on Alison Watt, with annotations:
Below you can find the Portrait Critical Activity Essay notes for this unit.......
(you can print these as PDF files)
critical_activity_questions.pdf |
Roy Lichtenstein - Notes/Visuals |
Pablo Picasso - Notes/Visuals |
Alison Watt - Notes/Visuals |